Pricing Transparency
Edwards County Medical Center • Updated 9.30.2024
Spreadsheets (For Download)
Patient Price Estimator
Edwards County Medical Center's Patient Price Estimator provides approximate out-of-pocket costs for a specific medical procedure or service. This pricing only includes the most common 300 medical services required by CMS. It includes gross charges, discounted cash prices, and payer-specific negotiated charges. If the Service or the specific Insurance plan you are wanting is not found, please call the number in the Contact Us section.
The estimate cannot be relied on as the final set cost for services you may receive as actual expenses can and will vary from patient to patient depending upon your physician's treatment choices and your particular health care needs.
The estimated patient cost is based on the information entered. If you have requested an estimate for a surgical procedure, this estimate may not include:
- Pre-Procedure Office Visits
- Post-Procedure Office Visits
- Diagnostic Testing
- Primary Care Physician
- Surgeon
- Anesthesiologist
- Pathologist
- Radiologist
- Cardiologist .
If you have met all or part of your deductible or maximum out-of-pocket expenses, the actual amount you owe may be different.
Note: The estimated cost is not a guarantee of insurance coverage.
Please check with your insurance company if you need help understanding your benefits for the service chosen.
By clicking on the Patient Price Estimator button below you are acknowledging that you have read and understand the above limitations and fully understand this is only an estimate. Your actual charges may be different (higher or lower) than the estimate.